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We are used by pro-active employers and HR managers who understand that it is important to document and maintain compliant employment contracts that cover important industry issues and are relevant to the employee's role.

If you are an established employer, trade owner, or a startup who is looking to employ staff, click here to register an account and get started. You will be able to quickly draft a compliant contract specific to the role and then instantly send it on to the new staff member for signing via DocuSign. Alternatively, you can download and print the contract.

  • Covers industry issues
  • Faster and cheaper than using a traditional lawyer
  • Easy to use interactive wizard
  • Compliant with National Employment Standards (NES)
  • Contract customised for the role
  • Electronic signing via Docusign
  • Record keeping
  • Easy to read contract
  • Support for award and award-free contracts
  • Keep up to date with regulations

You will need to set up an account. After that, you can create a new employment contract. Our intuitive wizard will guide you through the process.

Contact us to discuss how we can benefit your agency and streamline the engagement process.

Call us on 1300 300 133 or click here to ask us a question.

The contract

  • Formalises conditions of employment
  • Sets out performance requirements
  • Establishes job duties
  • Protects commercial interests like IP
  • Outlines confidentiality obligations

It is highly recommended that any employer, regardless of size, formalise the conditions of employment, and ensure that these conditions are compliant with Australian workplace regulations.

A written contract is not mandatory but it provides a documented point of reference for both parties. Our contracts are compliant with the National Employment Standards (NES), are easy to read and understand, and cover important industry issues.

Yes. Our contracts are drafted in accordance with the National Employment Standards (NES) and comply with the Fair Work Act.

This means that you can be confident that you are complying with Australian regulations.

The clauses we suggest will depend on the type of employment including the role or position. The contract is easy to read and is compliant with the National Employment Standards (NES).

  • Social media behaviour
  • Termination obligations
  • Anti-poaching
  • Protection of intellectual property (IP)
  • Confidentiality obligations
  • Non-compete and restraint of trade
  • Remuneration including allowances
  • Job description
  • Etc

We support permanent or fixed term employment contracts for full-time, part-time or casual roles.

After you complete the interactive wizard, you will be able to review the agreement using our built-in editor and send through the contract for electronic signing. You will receive a PDF version of the signed contract.

Before the document has been electronically signed by both parties, you are able to edit the contract and resend it. You can also amend the email addresses of the signatories. The previous version of the contract will be voided.

Yes, all contracts are stored by MyJobContracts.


Refer to our pricing page for full details.

We use Stripe to process payments via credit card (Visa, Mastercard or Amex). There is no charge to use MyJobContracts until you decide to generate your first contract.

You will be sent a receipt via automatic email when you transact.

Please contact us if you are a high volume user and would like to discuss alternative arrangements.

Yes, you can save money by pre-purchasing contracts. See our pricing page for more details.

You have 3 years, from the date of purchase, to use your credits. If you pre-purchase additional contracts before the expiry date, any unused credits that you may have at that time will receive the same 3 year expiry as the additional credits (effectively extending the expiry date of the original credits).

Electronic signing

DocuSign is a provider of electronic signatures with over 200 million users world-wide. You can be confident that the process of signing the contract is going to be professional and legally valid. Many of your staff members will already be familiar with DocuSign.

When you initiate the electronic signing process from MyJobContracts, you (or the signatory nominated for the employer) will receive an email from DocuSign asking you to click a link to open and sign the contract. Only after the employer has signed will the employee receive the same email asking them to sign.

The employee is then able to review the contract, and if they agree to the conditions, click the signature button to confirm their acceptance. They do not need to register an account with DocuSign but may do so if they want DocuSign to store the signed agreement for them.

Note that the employee will only receive emails from DocuSign, not from MyJobContracts.

No. You may also download a PDF of the contract so you can print and sign it manually.

Using MyJobContracts

Once you have registered an account, we will ask you a few questions to determine what type of contract you will need. For example, we will need to know what the role is and whether it is full-time, part-time or casual.

Our interactive wizard will then guide you through a series of relevant questions which you will need to answer before we instantly create the customised contract for you. The questions we ask are designed to give you compliant options and flexibility over the contract inclusions. For example, if we think that the role should include an intellectual property clause (assigning IP created to the employer), we will suggest so but at the same time give you the option to exclude this.

The wizard questions are designed to be specific to the role and position of the staff member. This means that we only ask questions that are relevant to the circumstances. At each step, we provide help with each question.

The questions are tailored to the role/position of the employee and therefore vary. On average, please set aside around 15 minutes to answer all questions. After this, you will be able to generate the contract for review and electronic signing or download.

We save your progress as you go along. Or you can click the save button located on the top right of the wizard. Log in at any time to continue developing the contract.

Our built-in contract editor allows you to make edits to the contract after it has been generated by the wizard, before and after you send it to the staff member for electronic signing. The editor provides you with flexibility to add or delete clauses as well as change the content.

After you complete the interactive wizard, we will generate the contract for you to review before you download the contract or send it on for electronic signing. If you want to edit a clause, just hover over the content and you will see a series of icons on the top right of the content box. You are able to edit, add or hide a clause.

You will receive an email from us and DocuSign to notify you that the contract has been signed. You can also log in at any time to view the status.

Use the built-in editor to update the contract and resend to the employee to sign. The original contract will be voided.

There is no need to start from scratch if you need a contract for a second employee that is similar to a previous staff member. When you create a contract, we will ask you whether you want it to be similar to another employee. This means that you will be able to skip most of the questions and draft the contract more quickly.

When you initiate the electronic signing process from MyJobContracts, you (or the signatory nominated for the employer) will receive an email from DocuSign asking you to click a link to open and sign the contract. Only after the employer has signed will the employee receive the same email asking them to sign.

The employee is then able to review the contract, and if they agree to the conditions, click the signature button to confirm their acceptance. They do not need to register an account with DocuSign but may do so if they want DocuSign to store the signed agreement for them.

Note that the employee will only receive emails from DocuSign, not from MyJobContracts.


We keep all of your contracts and records confidential and access to your past contracts are via secure password. We will never share your information with anyone.

MyJobContracts uses a 256-bit SSL certificate, ensuring all data is encrypted end-to-end. Feel confident that your data is private and secure.

To see DocuSign's security policies, click here.

My Account

We will ask you for your name, email address and a chosen password. You are then set up to create your first employment contract.

You are able to change your user details on the update details page. To access, log in and click on your name at the top right of the screen and select Update details from the list.

Click here to reset your password. We will email you instructions of how to do so.

You can opt out of future emails on the update details page. To access, log in, click your name at the top right of the screen and select Update details from the list.

Employment regulations

The National Employment Standards (NES) are 10 minimum employment entitlements that have to be provided to all employees by law. This includes a minimum of 4 weeks annual leave, 12 months unpaid parental leave, 10 days personal/carers leave, notice of termination and redundancy, etc.

All new employees have the right to receive the so called Fair Work Information Statement which outlines these entitlements. When you draft an employment agreement through MyJobContracts and send it to the staff member via DocuSign, we attach the Statement to the contract.

The Commission is Australia's independent national workplace relations tribunal. It's responsible for maintaining a safety net of minimum wages and employment conditions.

The Ombudsman enforce compliance with employment related legislation including the Fair Work Act. They help employers and employees by providing advice and education on workplace conditions.

Modern awards are minimum employment conditions which apply in addition to the National Employment Standards (NES), for a particular industry or occupation. Most industries in Australia have a modern award, which covers the employers and employees in that sector.

Click here to learn more about employment regulations and issues in Australia.